Tag: mudra

The Bathroom Breath blog cover image

Ways to Find Peace Within

The bathroom breath can certainly help reduce stress. But of course, looking at your job and seeing if there is a better way to manage its demands is also a good idea. Our bodies are so intelligent! Mine was sending me many signs before I got sick. I wish I had listened sooner.

Mudra for world peace blog header image

Mudra for World Peace

I wonder for a moment … if those perpetuating war stopped for a second, took a deep breath and found themselves, their hearts, their minds bathed in the loving embrace of complete peace. Would their perspective shift, even just a little?

When tough times hit blog cover image

When Tough Times Hit

Yoga philosophy provides a lot of wisdom when staring down the barrel of life’s unexpected challenges, but today I’d like to share the angle that is perhaps most important to remember: that everything is temporary.

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