I’ve been using yoga hand mudras consistently now since 2016. And since that time I’ve had many breakthroughs. I’ve noticed some marked changes which I can only attribute to my consistent work with mudras.
Mudras work by activating specific channels of energy (called ‘Prana’) in the body. These ‘highways’ of energy are known as Nadis. There are said to be 72,000 Nadi channels in the body (although there is some discrepancy across yogic texts).
How mudras have changed my life:
1. Build more self confidence
Since using mudras, I’ve been able to ask for a pay rise and stand up for myself in situations I would normally find difficult and confronting.
2. Hear your intuition
I’ve had numerous examples of this! Once I even received a vision of the company that was going to publish my Yoga Mudra Oracle Deck! And it came true!
3. Speak your voice
I’m seeing that for me creating boundaries is very important and I’m getting better at this. I’m also realising how protecting my energy is important too and that I have a responsibility to choose what I give my energy to.
4. Attract abundance
Over recent years I’ve created a website, been invited to speak at events, connected to a community of like-minded souls, gained new friendships, found healers, attracted a number of publishing deals and more…
5. Listen to your heart
We are very good at listening to our minds, but listening to our heart can be hard for most. This point is very similar to point 2. ‘Hear Your Intuition’, however I feel it deserves its own explanation. I’m finding through my work with mudras that it’s becoming much easier to hear my heart speak. In fact I’m noticing that it’s pretty loud if I allow it to be more present in my life. When I give space for my heart-voice, I’m often amazed at its clarity and simple wisdom.

How do I begin working with mudras?
The trick with mudras is to start with a simple one and use it in some way each day, even if that means using the mudra for a few moments, while taking a few conscious breaths.
Start with Jnana mudra
This mudra brings your thumb (fire, solar plexus) and index finger (air, heart centre) together (use both hands).
Performing this mudra brings you in touch with heart-wisdom and knowledge and focuses your energy inward – fortifying your solar plexus and help you to feel calm and grounded. It’s a stunning mudra that can be performed anywhere when you need guidance or grounding. It’s one of my favourite go-to mudras.
I’m finding through my work with mudras that it’s becoming much easier to hear my heart speak. In fact I’m noticing that it’s pretty loud if I allow it to be more present in my life.
What to expect to feel when working with mudras?
Take a moment to notice if there is any change you feel before and after practicing a mudra.
Work with one mudra – for say a week or longer, and once you feel the energy of the mudra build, you might like to try a new one.
There are many hundreds of mudras to try, each with a specific quality to help awaken, deepen and fast track spiritual growth and/or promote healing in the body. There is no such thing as a ‘negative’ mudra. Each mudra is unique and has a number of benefits.
In my experience, I’ve found that mudras really are magic. Mudras change your energy, mudras change your life.
I’d love to hear how mudras have helped you in the comments below.
Love and mudras,

Explore more mudra goodness:
- How do Mudras Work?
- What are Mudras?
- Yoga Mudras for Immunity
- Energy in your Hands
- Mudra for Focus, Intuition & Balancing Energy
- Sign up to my newsletter
Please note: mudras are simple ancient tools for exploring energies of heart, mind and body and are not presented here as an alternative to professional medical advice.