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Mudra for Focus, Intuition and Balancing Energy

Hakini mudra helps you find clarity of mind, focus and balance. It also activates the third-eye chakra, awakening intuitive insight.

The other day I was in conversation with a friend and noticed he was using Hakini mudra. When I drew his attention to it, he said had no idea he was using a mudra! He expressed that his hands naturally took that gesture when he needed to concentrate. When I explained that this mudra helps you find clarity of mind, focus and balance, he nodded in agreement and the conversation continued.

Our hands can find shapes to support us whether we know it or not. I have experienced something similar during my meditation practice of more than 25 years. Early on my hands naturally fell into Dhyana mudra. But for many years I was unaware it was a mudra. Dhyana is the mudra of meditation and it feels wonderful to sit in this posture, which helps to align your centres and still the mind. More on that one another time.

Hakini works on stilling the mind and bringing the energy of heart and mind together in harmony, instilling a sense of peace within. It also awakens the third-eye chakra, and visions or messages often come when using this sacred mudra.

Now you’re aware of Hakini Mudra, you will no doubt notice people using it all the time! Truly, I always marvel at newsreaders using it, politicians and us regular folk just out and about. We all use it – mostly unknowingly, because it really does help with focus and memory recall – something we all need a bit of help with from time-to-time!

Benefits of Hakini mudra:

  • Awakens the third-eye chakra
  • Balances the chakras
  • Activates self-healing
  • Aids problem solving
  • Helps awaken intuition
  • Boosts memory
  • Hones focus
  • Clarity of mind
Hakini mudra can be practiced at either the heart or third-eye centre.

Why use Hakini mudra?

Hakini works on stilling the mind and bringing the energy of heart and mind together in harmony, instilling a sense of peace within. It also awakens the third-eye chakra, and visions or messages often come when using this sacred mudra. I’ve found too that my intuitive voice is that bit louder since using Hakini mudra.

How to practice Hakini mudra:

  • Bring all fingers of the hands to touch each other forming a pyramid shape
  • Place the mudra in front of either your heart or third-eye chakra
  • Hold it in place for 5 minutes, ideally during a meditation

It can be used anywhere at anytime, as it’s a discreet and acceptable enough looking mudra that you can easily use in your day

If you have any experiences using this mudra, I’d love to hear them. Please comment below.

Love and mudras, 

Explore more mudra goodness:

Please note: mudras are simple ancient tools for exploring energies of heart, mind and body and are not presented here as an alternative to professional medical advice.

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Hi I’m Emma! Welcome to my blog.

Here you will find inspiration on: yoga, mudras, meditation, Fourth Way, creativity and wellbeing.

Contact me: hello@emmawertheim.com


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