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Dhyana Mudra, Connect to the Sacred Within

Dhyana is incredibly supportive for your meditation practice - and referred to as 'the mudra of meditation'. I've been using it for over two decades now. In fact, I used it before I even knew it was a mudra.

In this blog post I’d like to highlight the power of Dhyana mudra for its calming and balancing effects – a good hand posture for any time really. Interestingly, it’s also a favourite of the Dalai Lama – so it must be alright! 

Dhyana is incredibly supportive for your meditation practice – and referred to as ‘the mudra of meditation’. I’ve been using it for over two decades now. In fact, I used it before I even knew it was a mudra. And it was only years later I discovered its name and meaning. It’s a really natural way to rest your hands during a meditation practice; confirmation that the hands hold great intelligence. Yes, the body knows what will support it!

If you have a meditation practice, I’d love you to give it a go. I’m certain you will find its deeply calming effects beneficial.

How to practice Dhyana Mudra:

  • Place your left hand in your lap, palm facing up
  • Rest the back of your right hand in the palm of your left hand
  • Bring the tips of the thumbs lightly together, forming a bowl shape
  • Sit using Dhyana mudra for 5 to 15 minutes – or just a few breaths

It’s my firm belief that these seemingly small moments of connecting to the Divine add up over time – building a ‘muscle’ so to speak, and this energy of ‘help’ will be there for when you need it most

A little story about the sacred in the everyday:

I was reminded recently of the power of a sacred moment and how it can change your entire day / week / month / life! 

Each day I try to take a moment to honour and connect to the sacred within, and have done so for almost 30 years now. It’s my firm belief that these seemingly small moments of connecting to the Divine add up over time – building a ‘muscle’ so to speak, and this energy of ‘help’ will be there for when you need it most – during those challenging and turbulent times that we all face in life. But also for the joyful times and every moment in between! This has certainly been my experience.

A couple weeks ago I caught up with a dear friend and her beautiful young daughter. Before we all said our goodbyes, my friend’s daughter came up to me and spent about a whole minute softly stroking my entire face. No words were exchanged. It was such a beautiful and unexpected gentle ‘heart‘ moment. A reminder that the sacred can sometimes find you and surprise you! This sweet act changed my whole day.

A sacred moment

Connecting to the sacred can be done in so many simple ways:

  • ⭐ simply taking a moment to stop and breathe
  • ⭐ gazing at a flower in bloom
  • ⭐ feeling the sun touch your face

Some days the sacred can also come and find you! And perhaps at other times, it’s your role to be the sacred for someone else, through a simple smile, a kind word or deed

I’d love you to comment below if you have had a recent surprise encounter with the ‘sacred’…

Love and mudras, 

Explore more mudra goodness:

Please note: mudras are simple ancient tools for exploring energies of heart, mind and body and are not presented here as an alternative to professional medical advice.

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“In Eastern mysticism, it is believed that the hands connect us to the unconscious. When we open our hearts, divine energy flows through us, expressing itself through our hands and in everything we do.”

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Connect to the sacred within blog header

Dhyana Mudra, Connect to the Sacred Within

Dhyana is incredibly supportive for your meditation practice – and referred to as ‘the mudra of meditation’. I’ve been using it for over two decades now. In fact, I used it before I even knew it was a mudra.

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Hi I’m Emma! Welcome to my blog.

Here you will find inspiration on: yoga, mudras, meditation, Fourth Way, creativity and wellbeing.

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