Naga mudra, goddess figure with snake symbols

Naga Mudra – Goddess Rising

Naga mudra ignites the fire of insight. Practice naga mudra to go within, and let it help you solve questions you might have.

The word ‘Naga‘ means snake in Sanskrit (the ancient Indian classical language). Naga mudra is a beautiful mudra to work with as the seasons change. It’s the mudra of deep insight. It can help you unlock hidden energy reserves and to solve everyday problems. It also symbolises goddess energy, supernatural strength, fertility and wisdom.

Hold this mudra for a few breaths while imagining a fire being kindled in your pelvic floor. Let the flames flicker higher up toward your heart. Then let the flames rise even higher toward your mind. Sense a growing stillness within…

How to practice Naga mudra:

  • With your left hand vertical, move the right hand horizontal and behind it, then cross your thumbs over each other — left thumb on top, palms facing towards you and in front of your heart chakra. Make sure you’re comfortable enough to hold this position for a little while.
  • Sit straight and feel your breath deepen. Imagine a fire being kindled in your root chakra, with red (passion) and white (purification) or another colour of your choosing.
Naga mudra artwork from the Yoga Mudra Oracle
Above: Naga mudra ignites the fire of insight. Practice naga mudra to go within, and let it help you solve questions you might have. Original artwork © Emma Wertheim & Stephen Denham 2024 – to feature in the Yoga Mudra Oracle.

Hold this mudra for a few breaths while imagining a fire being kindled in your pelvic floor. Let the flames flicker higher up toward your heart. Then let the flames rise even higher toward your mind. Sense a growing stillness within – then ask yourself a question and be open to answers…

This mudra will feature in the Yoga Mudra Oracle, due for release through Arcturus Publishing early 2025.

Love and mudras, 

Learn more about mudras:

Please note: mudras are simple ancient tools for exploring energies of heart, mind and body and are not presented here as an alternative to professional medical advice.

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